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Contact information

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PO Box 219, Stillwater, OK 74076


When do the new Jailbirds come out?

First Saturday of the month: Kay, Payne, Pottawatomie, Garvin

Second Saturday of the month: Garfield, Canadian, Comanche

Third Saturday of the month: Rogers, Cherokee, Leflore, McCurtain.

How do I access the website?

In order to log in to the website, click the three lines in the top right and click log in. Your username will be your email and your password is only known by you. To reset your credentials, click lost password and check your email for instructions.

Where do I find my subscriptions at?

When you go to the home page of the Jailbirds website, you will be prompted to sign in. After logging in, all you need to do is go to ‘My Account’, then ‘my e-editions’ and download your desired copy.

Do you decide who to put on the front page?

We do not decide who to put on the front covers. Our software populates the pages for us.

Are you guys behind when posting products?

We gather data for each county set within 10 days of posting the products.

Is there no longer an app?

We have moved all accounts from our app to our website to increase functionality and user satisfaction.

What states do you serve?

We currently service Oklahoma and we are expanding to Kansas and Missouri!

Why does the website say I need to pay for the paper I have already purchased?

You have to go to the “My e-editions tab in the top right to find your subscription. Do not buy products that have a price, these are different than your subscription.

Do you accept payment to keep mugshots out of the paper?

We do not and have never accepted payment to keep information out of our products.

Where is the new copy of Jailbirds?

You can access the new editions by going to the top of the homepage, click the “Find County” button, and then choose your specific county set.