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Fake Houston ghost hunter used dating apps to lure women to remote areas

HOUSTON, Texas – A former peace officer allegedly created a ghost hunting scheme to lure women to remote places and sexually assault them.

Houston man David Lynn Turner, 46, reportedly found his victims on dating apps and other social media channels.

The suspect presented himself to his victims as a ghost hunter. Turner would then lure women on ghost hunting adventures in San Jacinto County and across jurisdictions.

The fake ghost hunter drove women to numerous areas in the greater Southeast Texas region.

Authorities say Turner would take his victims in remote areas and “sexually force himself on the women in various ways.” (ABC 13)

The suspect is believed to have been engaging in this criminal behavior as far back as 2018.

Detectives say there are multiple victims.

From 2012 to 2015, the suspect reportedly served as a reserve Harris County Texas Peace Officer.

Turner was arrested and booked in the San Jacinto County Jail with a bond set at $500,000. His charges include two counts of sexual assault.

Authorities urge people with information to contact:

The San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office: 936-653-4367

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office: 936-760-5800


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