OKC Dating app crime on the rise and proactive safety tips

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – Oklahoma City police are warning the public to be cautious when using dating apps.

Criminals find opportunities to take advantage of people through dating apps such as Tinder. According to OCPD, there has been an increase in crimes that lure individuals with these apps to commit robberies and attacks.

For example, recently, a man communicated with someone on a dating app and agreed to meet her at a motel on Northwest 39th Street and May Avenue.

The victim entered the woman’s motel room when a male suspect hiding in the room’s bathroom suddenly choked him. The man’s chokehold caused the victim to pass out.

The male and female suspect stole the victim’s car and all the belongings he had on him during the encounter.

Cquama Johnson, 18, was identified as one of the suspects after weeks of sifting through video surveillance. According to authorities, the woman involved in the dating app crime has yet to be identified.

There are ways of preventing such crimes from happening. One tip for dating safety is to agree to meet in a public space, such as a restaurant, before going into a room alone with the individual.

There are also plenty of safety and crime prevention products that can be used as a deterrent. For example, the Cup Scrunchie is a product sold by BeSafe that you can carry with you on your date. Once you have ordered your drink, you can place the product over your glass and poke the straw through, leaving no room for drink spiking. Make sure never to leave your drink unattended.

JAILBIRDS DIGITAL has partnered with an urban survival and safety company who provides non-lethal protection products for non-lethal folks. With items such as self defense products, date rape kits, and beverage toppers, our joint mission is to reduce violent crimes and incidents and to give people the freedom to not just feel safe, but BeSafe! Stay up-to-date with BeSafe’s cause here.


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