The Snickers thief caught again, this time with toy AK47

WICHITA FALLS, TX – Seth Schlicker is on a roll, not with a tootsie roll, but with a Snickers bar, milk, and most recently, a toy AK47.

These incidents are not the only ones on Schlicker’s records.

The suspect’s history with Wichita County Jail dates back to 2016, with a plethora of charges, including theft, criminal trespass, soliciting without a permit, bicycle violations, etc.

Schlicker’s history involves violence ranging from assault causing bodily injury to a family member in 2018 and another assault of a family member in 2020.

In January of this year, Schlicker allegedly broke into a Dollar General Store and stole two gallons of milk.

Wichita Falls Police recognized the suspect on Dollar General Store’s video footage, later issuing a warrant for his arrest and fetching him at his residence.

The suspect reportedly had two other warrants out for his arrest at the time of the milk theft incident, including the Snickers theft. (MSN News)

On a downward spiral, Schlicker’s latest encounter with police involves a toy AK47.

Wichita Falls Police received a report of a man pointing a toy AK47 at vehicles near Central Freeway on April 16, 2021.

A witness driving down Galveston thought the suspect’s gun was real. The witness ran through a red light to avoid getting shot. (Times Record News)

The suspect was strolling down Holliday Street when police located him.

According to police, Schlicker dropped his fake weapon, put his hands up, and continued walking when he spotted them.

Police claimed they recognized the suspect.

Schlicker’s imitation AK47 was painted to appear more realistic.

The suspect told the police that he did not point his toy at anyone; instead, he claimed that he was playing make-believe as a military soldier. No biggie, right?

Acting like a military soldier with a fake AK47 in public is, indeed, a big deal to police, landing Schlicker in jail, yet again.

Schlicker’s latest jail booking records include deadly conduct and possession of a dangerous drug charge with a bond totaling $2,500 set by the judge.

No one was harmed by the mock gun.

(Image: courtesy Wichita County Jail)

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